Hi. I’m Dang Nguyen and this is my story.

The last day I’ll ever have a job and a day I’ll never forget; May 31st, 2015

I was making a 6-figure salary at my corporate job and I was comfortable.

I remember sitting in my ‘cubicle’ when my boss approached my desk asking me to come speak with him.
A tall lanky man, who was normally friendly and talkative.. but not on this day.
We walked together to the meeting room – and by together, I mean he walked ahead while I followed.

A feeling of uneasiness crept over me.

We entered the room and there sat another person; the HR manager.
As I took a seat, there was a moment of pause from my boss, one where I’m expecting the next thing that comes out of his mouth will be bad news.

I found out quickly that my assumption was correct as he began speaking;
“Dang, we would like to thank you for your hard work and contribution, but we are letting you go today due to downsizing.”

That’s all I remember hearing.
It’s all I needed to hear.

Immediately, thoughts raced through my mind faster than I could even process them.
“How would I support my family?” “What will my wife say?” “Where should I apply to next?” “What’s my next move”?

Obviously this was no time to start feeling sorry for myself.

I recalled reading a blog post a few weeks earlier about people selling private label products on Amazon and it just felt like the right time, like somehow, everything I had worked for in the previous 10 years of my life led me to that very point in my life. I knew I had to seize the opportunity.

After two months of sleep-deprived nights and eye-bleeding research, I made my first sale on Amazon!

I will never forget seeing those first few dollars in my seller central dashboard. I almost cried… but because my first ever purchases were GPS Garmin watches.
Garmin is a restricted brand on Amazon and I could only sell them in used condition. LOL.. mistakes make the best teachers.

Fast forward 6 months and I was already replacing the income from my old job.

Since that fateful day, I have made some great friendships. I’m also in the process of building a wonderful community of like-minded individuals.

The future is bright and excitement doesn’t even begin to describe my outlook.

Most importantly, I am happy because I am free.
Free to do whatever I want, when I want, how I want.

I took this picture with my sons. I picked them up from daycare and took them for a stroll to the train station – the same one I used to spend two hours a day commuting on – in the middle of a random working day, because I could.

Freedom with Amazon FBA for Canadians

This is just the beginning. Are you ready to quit your job and be your own boss?

Are you ready to take the journey? Fill out the form below to get started.

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